Yoni Steams

  • My Yoni Steam, Signature, Gentle, Date Night, Mommy to Be, After Baby, Immune Booster, The Perfect Duo, Teen Steams, and Private Yoni Steam Parties.

Rejuvenate Your Yoni.

Yoni Fx Esthetics is the home of the custom Yoni Steams. Inside our Yoni Steam & Wellness room includes a unique Yoni Steam bar that displays each herb used inside of our Yoni Steam Treatments. Our guest can customize a yoni steam blend personalized to meet their needs or choose a readymade yoni steam blend targeted for specific concerns. Each steam session last up to 35 minutes and is a must try!

-Brittany Fayet.

“Before yoni steaming, I use to suffer with heavy periods that would last for seven days. I booked a regimen builder service and started yoni steaming. After three sessions I noticed a huge difference. My cycle flow has decreased, and my cramps aren’t as intense.